AI — A Promising Path to early Breast Cancer Detection.

by Rebekah Watson, Technology and Telecommunications Fellow

Photo by Susan G. Komen 3-Day on Unsplash

In October, we think pink — a symbol of solidarity for all those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, those who are battling it, and the loved ones who stand by their side. A significant portion of the dialogue this month revolves around early detection and screening for breast cancer. However, in a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is making its mark across various fields, how does AI contribute to the fight against breast cancer.

AI is now being utilized across the world in alongside standard risk model for predicting breast cancer. According to a newly published article in the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Radiology, AI algorithms performed better than the standard risk model for predicting breast cancer risk in the short term at 0 to 5 years. When combined with conventional methods, AI demonstrated even better predictive outcomes.

This is great news, as breast cancer currently ranks as the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women. Early detection can make the critical difference between life and death. But how does this all work? It’s all about your data.

The algorithms used by AI in screenings takes advantage of the massive amount of data available within the healthcare system, including mammograms, patient histories, and genetic information. The AI then sifts through the datasets to identify subtle patterns and correlations that might not be apparent to the human eye.

However, it’s essential to emphasize that AI, if not appropriately regulated and managed, could potentially cause more harm than good. Two prominent issues in AI regulation that demand our attention are:

1. Data privacy laws and regulations must be updated to reflect the current AI era. AI processes massive amounts of personal and sensitive health data and as such protecting patient privacy must be a top concern.

2. Ethical Concerns. AI can inadvertently perpetuate biases in healthcare, leading to disparities in diagnosis and treatment. Every effort must be made to ensure an unbiased as possible. Data from all races, ethnicities and backgrounds should be used to inform training and the AI should be constantly under watch for biases which may have inadvertently creep in.

The integration of AI into breast cancer screening holds great promise and offers hope. It can augment our capacity to detect and treat this devastating disease at an earlier stage, potentially saving countless lives. However, the responsible and ethical use of AI, coupled with robust data privacy measures, is crucial to ensure that this technology becomes a true ally in the fight against breast cancer. Its benefits should extend to all patients, regardless of their background or circumstances. In the battle against breast cancer, we’re all in this together.



National Council of Negro Women, Inc.

The National Council of Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW) mission is to lead, empower and advocate for women of African descent, their families and communities.